National University of Mexico (UNAM)
Director of the Bioenergy Lab and the Biomass Cookstove Innovation and Evaluation Centre (LINEB), National University of Mexico
Dr. Omar Masera is Director of the Bioenergy Lab and the Biomass Cookstove Innovation and Evaluation Centre (LINEB) at the National University of Mexico. He is a leading international expert on clean biomass cookstoves and has published extensively on issues related to the impacts of traditional fuelwood harvesting, mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions, stove adoption and use, and cookstove testing and innovation. He co-founded the Patsari Cookstove Project, that currently benefits 250,000 households in Mexico. He has developed methodologies for assesing the sustainability of clean cookstove dissemination as well as spatial models to determine priority areas for cookstove dissemination (the WISDOM model).