This panel will cover examples of how humanitarian, donor agencies, and governments have selected technologies to address user needs and maximize benefits for health, environment, and livelihoods. Panelists will also discuss data resources and tools that can help support decision making for large procurements and programs. This session will be of interest to humanitarian organizations, donors, governments, and the private sector.
Andreas Thulstrup, Natural Resources Management Officer, Climate, Tenure and Energy Division, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Dana Charron, Managing Director, Berkeley Air Monitoring Group
Daphné Carliez, SAFE Global Coordinator and Communications, Climate and Disaster Risk Reduction Programme Unit, United Nations World Food Programme
Ram Prasad Dhital, Executive Director, Alternative Energy Promotion Center, Government of Nepal’s Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment
Neeraja Penumetcha, Senior Associate, Testing and Technology, Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves
AEPC’s Criteria and Tendering Process for Cookstove Procurement (PDF)
Alliance 11-03-2015_CleanCookingCatalog_Forum (PDF)
Charron UNHCR Procurement vF (PDF)
WFP Slides Procurement Panel Ghana 2015 Dcarliez WFP (PDF)