Presentations are available for the sessions listed below. We will add to the list as we receive additional presentations.
Influencing Policy to Accelerate Market Growth
Generating and Applying Consumer Insights for Behavior Change
Marketing and Behavior Change Communication: What are we learning?
Introducing the Alliance’s Latest Gender Tools
Marketing from the Enterprise Point of View
Successful Approaches for Integrating Women throughout the Value Chain
Lessons Learned in NAMA Funding Applications for Cookstoves: Insights from a Proposal Evaluator
Selecting Technologies and Fuels for Large Procurements by Humanitarian Agencies and Donors
Understanding the Landscape of the Alliance’s Grant Funding
Improve Your Triple Bottom Line: Business, Environmental, and Social Impacts
Stove Reseach and Design: Focus on Research
ISO Standards and WHO guidelines: What are the latest developments and what do they mean for me?
Standards and Labeling – Country Strategies
Consumer Awareness of Cookstove Technology and Fuel Performance
Scaling Sustainable Production of Clean Fuels
Linking Clean Cooking and REDD+
Lessons, Experiences, and Opportunities Shaping Cookstove and Fuel Markets in China