What Drives Sustained Adoption of Clean Cooking?

Understanding what drives adoption of clean cooking technologies is an ongoing area of research. This session provides evidence from research on ways to ensure sustained adoption of clean cooking. Lessons from Peru, India, Guatemala, Ghana, and Rwanda will be given.


Dana Charron, Managing Director, Berkeley Air Monitoring Group
Christina Barstow, Senior Program Manager, DelAgua Health
Daniel Mäusezahl, Head of Household Health Systems Research Group, Swiss Tropical & Public Health Institute (Swiss TPH)
Pamela Jagger, Associate Professor, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Gautam Yadama, Professor, Assistant Vice Chancellor for International Affairs-India, Washington University in St. Louis



Barstow – Cookstove adoption metrics for Rwanda cookstove program

Charron – Using mixed methods to understand cookstove adoption

Maeusezahl – System factors influencing acceptability and adoption

Breakout Session
Location: Britannia Date: Wednesday, November 11, 2015 Time: 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm